Social functions and adverse outcome onset in older adults with mild long-term care needs: A two-year longitudinal study
Noguchi T, Nakagawa T, Komatsu A, Ishihara M, Shindo Y, Otani T, Saito T
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics
Utility of SARC-F in daycare facilities for older people
Kera T, Saida K, Higuchi D, Shinohara T, Onozawa H, Kawai H, Obuchi S
Geriatrics & gerontology international
22巻 10号
The Impact of Marital Transitions on Vegetable Intake in Middle-aged and Older Japanese Adults: A 5-year Longitudinal Study
Noguchi T, Kondo F, Nishiyama T, Otani T, Nakagawa-Senda H, Watanabe M, Imaeda N, Goto C, Hosono A, Shibata K, Kamishima H, Nogimura A, Nagaya K, Yamada T, Suzuki S
Journal of epidemiology
32巻 2号
Comparison of Characteristics of Definition Criteria for Respiratory Sarcopenia-The Otassya Study
Kera T, Kawai H, Ejiri M, Ito K, Hirano H, Fujiwara Y, Ihara K, Obuchi S
International journal of environmental research and public health
19巻 14号
Development of a screening formula for sarcopenia using ground reaction force during sit-to-stand motion
Kera T, Kawai H, Takahashi J, Hirano H, Watanabe Y, Fujiwara Y, Ihara K, Kim H, Obuchi S
Association between community-level social capital and frailty onset among older adults: a multilevel longitudinal study from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES)
Noguchi T, Murata C, Hayashi T, Watanabe R, Saito M, Kojima M, Kondo K, Saito T
Journal of epidemiology and community health
76巻 2号
Establishment of the Japanese version of the dementia stigma assessment scale
Noguchi T, Shang E, Nakagawa T, Komatsu A, Murata C, Saito T
Geriatrics & gerontology international
22巻 9号
The association between fear of falling and occurrence of falls: a one-year cohort study
Asai T, Oshima K, Fukumoto Y, Yonezawa Y, Matsuo A, Misu S
BMC geriatrics
22巻 1号
Association between osteosarcopenia and cognitive frailty in older outpatients visiting a frailty clinic
Inoue T, Shimizu A, Satake S, Matsui Y, Ueshima J, Murotani K, Arai H, Maeda K
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics